Kemenkes Bantu Berantas Chikungunya Disease in Depok


The 3M Movement is Still a Foolproof Way to Prevent the Spread of Mosquito-Transmitted Diseases

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DEPOK – The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) has helped to eradicate the epidemic of chikungunya in the village of Meruyung, Limo Subdivision (7/7)

"Assistance provided in the form of sampling of aedes aegipty mosquitoes, as well as blood tests of residents indicated by chikungunya," said the head of the Advocacy Section of the Epidemiological Survivors of the Jakarta Center for Environmental Health and Disease Control (BBTKLPP). Roeberji said, the arrival of the Ministry of Health team based on a report from the Health Bureau of the city of Depok (Dinkes) on the existence of chikungunya disease that attack the citizens. The team immediately visited the site and facilitated the laboratory examination. There were reports of 11 samples suspects chikungunya.

"When we examined, seven of them were positive, we need to know what kind of incident on the ground to determine the precautions". , need more research to control chikungunya mosquito. It is necessary to determine what is effective and rare prevention to suppress the disease caused by mosquitoes.

"Because, after research, mosquitoes are immune to fumigation or nebulization In addition, is ineffective if it is not done according to the duration life of mosquitoes, there are still many people who are wrong, we educate at the same time citizens, "he says. mosquitoes. The application of 3M, closure, drainage and burial is always a surefire way to prevent the spread of chikungunya disease that can be done independently.

"When we examined 11 people who suspect chikungunya, the circumstances of his house are potential mosquito larvae.We are therefore socialized to always maintain cleanliness, especially in the tank. water and clean the piles of unused goods, "he concluded.

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