Kementan Degree Operation Market Frozen Chicken Meat


Operation of the frozen chicken meat market to stabilize the price of chicken on the market

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Food Security Agency (BKP) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Drug Administration. Agriculture has launched a market operation at the Indonesian center. / 7). The goal of the operation of the frozen chicken meat market is to stabilize the price of chicken in the market that currently exceeds the government reference price, 32 thousand rupees per kilogram, but the market is sold on average 38 000 rupees per kilo and even more than 40 thousand rupees per kilo

. The price of frozen chicken meat is not expected to increase, as production reaches 1.8 million tonnes, while the need is only 1.5 million tonnes, "said Agung Hendriadi, director of BKP. ), Saturday (28/7).

Supreme said, through the market operations held from July 27, 2018 and today, it is expected in the coming days the price of frozen chicken meat will again be stable.

"I expect in the next 2-3 days the price has stabilized," Agung says.

Market operations will be conducted in several markets and strategic locations such as Pasar Pondok Labu, Lenteng Agung, Klender SS, Pulo Gadung, Tebet Barat and Cijantung. In addition, it is also made in Pondok Indah Jati Sari Bekasi Accommodation, Atsiri Permai, Bogor and Bona Indah Lebak Bulus Park.

The price of frozen chicken sold in this market transaction is Rp 31 thousand per kg. The price is cheaper than other markets because supplying chicken directly from the chicken farm. Market operations in several locations will be conducted simultaneously from 08:00. In addition to frozen chicken meat, people can also buy other strategic food products such as chicken eggs priced at 22,000 rupiahs per kilo

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