Kementan Enjoy BKT for planting vegetables


Jakarta, – East Kalimantan Floodway (BKT) Duren Sawit, East Jakarta has 25 hectares of potential agricultural land or 50 ha of land that can be managed in sustainable homes (KRPL ). When used properly can support vegetable needs in Jakarta and surrounding areas.

In order for the potential to be exploited, Agriculture Minister Amran Sulaiman provide vegetable seeds such as chili, spinach, eggplant, kale, tomatoes, water pumps, sprays and growers on Saturday (14 / 7) to plant in KRPL through the BKT.

This is done in order to maintain and increase the supply of vegetables, especially chili for the inhabitants of Jakarta Capital City. The reason is that the guarantee of needs in Jakarta becomes the barometer of the stability of the supply and the price of the national pepper.

"It is interesting that the riverbanks can be used as a KRPL pilot, and this year we will improve if the river is full of pepper, the supply in Jakarta will reach 40 to 50 percent," Amran said on the site.

Other benefits, Amran added, the public gets revenue and the city government does not need to clean up Kementan brings free badistance with cultivation and badistance. It is the commitment of the Jokowi-JK government to increase the production and stability of food prices.19659002 According to Amran, the BKT river bed has considerable land potential. able to increase the supply of vegetables and income in the capital DKI Jakarta.

"Kala We count, this river edge 50 hectares, if the production of 10 tons per hectare, we will produce 500 tons of pepper.This will be a pilot, will enter later in other areas. The country is rich, there is plenty of land available, we use land and water, we will not be short of food, especially chilli, there is no shortage, "he said.

Amran also pointed out that the supply and price of vegetables, especially chilli in Jakarta is very stable. the supply of chilli and other vegetables has increased and prices will be more stable

"Now the chilli is stable.KRPL we wake up, later still more stable.We encourage KRPL. UN envoy will follow KRPL Indonesia Yesterday, the UN envoy went to Padang and Yogyakarta KRPL can fill his own domestic food Even chicken production that we let's grow so that it can meet the protein and inflation of the press, "bebarnya."

"For large chili production, the results we export. Urban land use, we aim to meet the needs of the household. We have cooperation with women, IWAPI, Persit and all women's organizations, "said Amran

Reporter: DPU

Edited by: Bernadetta Febriana

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