Keto Vs low fat diet, which is safer to lose weight?

[ad_1], SOLO – Most obese people often speak to lose weight. Evidence, many dietary methods that appear, such as ketogenik diet and low fat diet. Both types of diet are supposed to reduce body weight in a short time.

However, the ketogenik diet is high in fat compared to the low-fat diet. So, which of these two diets is powerful for weight loss? Compiled from Pop Sugar, Friday (27/7/2018), the low-fat diet is done by limiting the consumption of fatty foods.

Those who followed a low-fat diet reduce the consumption of fats containing mal-fatty meat. This method is used to control the levels of cholesterol in the blood that causes the accumulated fat in the body.

While the keto diet is done by cutting the carbohydrate intake and increasing the fat portion. People who make this diet will consume more meat and other fatty foods and will avoid foods rich in carbohydrates such as rice.

Diet keto indeed powerful to reduce body weight in a short time. However, this diet has side effects for the body at an early stage. The reduction of carbohydrates will radically change the energy burning habits in the body. The high fat content causes the body to release ketones into the blood to break down fat and become a source of energy. Due to lack of glucose, the body does not want to use ketones as energy.

The change in the use of carbohydrate sugar in ketones is what helps the destruction of fat to accelerate accelerated weight loss. Although highly effective, the keto diet has side effects that could endanger the body.

Nutritionists say that when the body enters the process of ketosis [penggunaan keton sebagai energi untuk tubuh] a person begins to lose muscle mbad, fatigue and starvation. Initially, this diet method was made to cure patients with epilepsy. However, you who are in good health can do it if they are under the supervision of an expert. So which diet method is the safest?

Every person has different ways of losing weight. All you need to do is eat nutritious foods and exercise. This diet has absolutely no side effects, but the process is long. We recommend that you consult a nutritionist before going on a strict diet to reduce body weight. Because, the best way to lose weight is done gradually.

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