Kia Ensures Grand Sedona Diesel Without Inden


JAKARTA, – People who buy Kia Grand Sedona diesel cars certainly do not have to wait long before receiving the unit. PT Kia Mobil Indonesia (KMI) has promised to supply South Korea in accordance with the country's request.

The statement was made directly by Djohnny Darmawan, director of PT KMI at the launch of Grand Sedona Diesel in Pluit, North Jakarta, on Wednesday 18. "We asked the director to reproduce the supply since the Demand for the diesel engine itself is bigger, "said Djohnny.

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per month, he added about 80 units are defined. Even Djohnny was quite confident, given the character of consumers in Indonesia who loved the car with diesel engines, because of torque and power and fuel economy.

  Kia Grand Sedona Diesel / Aditya Maulana Kia Grand Diesel Sedona

Meanwhile, according to PT KMI's General Manager Business Development Harry Yanto, for the Grand Sedona gasoline engine that has been sold in Indonesia for two years, consumers still have to wait a little patiently

In the beginning, we try faster than ever, and we try to give the best to the consumer, "said Harry in the same place.

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