Jakarta (ANTARA News) – The online company Shopee collaborates with JKT Creative launches an exclusive batik made by mothers who live in Pulogebang Rusunawa and who are specially trained to make batik
"We are committed to empower small and medium-sized businesses.Shopee will also strive to play an active role in developing the potential of Indonesian products, "said Rezki Yauar, Country Brand Shop Indonesia Indonesia's Director, Indonesia, Jakarta, Friday [19659003] Shopati batik patterned scarf (Sella Panduarsa Gareta)
Batik motifs with the theme "Swarnadwipa", which means gold ground will be used as a uniform Shopee in Indonesia, which will also be applied to d. other products, including cloth wallets,
Especially for uniforms, mothers in Rusunawa Pulogebang under the direction and training of Creative JKT who will produce it
R ezki said, through the launch of batik, the company hopes to encourage the development of the digital economy and increase the capacity of local players of the trade, especially the craftsmen of batik

"This initiative is also motivated by the potential of batik in Kreasi Nusantara which shows a positive response," he said.
Batik sales at Shopee have doubled since the launch of Kreasi Nusantara in February 2018. [19659002] JKT Creative co-founder Iwet Ramadhan said that the batik fabric he designs for Shopee is inspired by his hope that Indonesia will regain its glory through the growing and growing SMEs in this country
Pekalongan, while the circle's focus is a symbol of the seeds that make this soil fertile and reach golden, "said Iwet.
As a result, Shopee and JKT Creative educate 250 batik craftsmen through the Batik Shopee Inspiration Edition in Solo and Pekalongan. 19659002] This activity should encourage economic actors to expand their business and use Atkan digital platform to reach a wider consumer

Meanwhile, Triawan Munaf, who attended the event, expressed his support for Shopee's initiative in launching the batik
"Kreasi Nusantara is one of the positive initiatives of e-commerce that can help us increase the potential of the creative economy in Indonesia. "
Shopee batik products began to be traded on the online market priced at 45,000 Rp for fabric wallets, Rp85,000 for t-shirts, Rp95,000 for canvas bags and Rp165,000 for scarf
Pewarta: Sella Panduarsa Gareta
Publisher: Ade P Marboen
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