Know 4 signs that you choose the right kind of sport


BOLASPORT.COM – It is believed that sport has a myriad of benefits for the health of the human body and fitness.

Although exercise has good effects for the body, you must be vigilant and know the good sporting walk. know the types of sports that fit your body's ability, and the sports that do not fit your abilities.

Well, here is launching the Hello Sehat page, the four sports signs do not match the needs and capabilities of your body.

1. Often Injured

According to Jessica Metthews, Assistant Professor of Exercise Science at Miramar College in San Diego, one of the causes Sprains, injuries and other injuries that occur during exercise is that you push yourself too much during practice

. 2. Feeling tired for a long time

Irv Rubenstein, a sports physiologist and founder of a fitness center in Nashville, USA, says that prolonged fatigue is one of the most signs of overtraining and the body can not take the time to recover.

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3. L & # Exercise is easy

When the sport before difficult becomes so much easier, it means that your body is quite adaptable and makes rapid progress with the sport.

This includes one of the sporting signs that are no longer suitable for you and should move to a higher level.

4. Muscle Pain

In general, muscle pain occasionally occurs and can easily heal in the hours following exercise

However, if the opposite occurs, this may mean that sport does not suit you.

That's what Emily Paskins, an American sports coach, says.

When you continue to do a sport that does not really suit you, the muscle will take longer to recover.

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