Know the cause of uric acid at young ages


Uric acid does not occur on its own. This is because the disease is influenced by the following factors:


Uric acid is more common in men. However, once women reach the age of menopause, women are at greater risk of contracting the disease.

● Family history

Uric acid disease can be hereditary. This means that your risk of developing gout can double when there is a family member who also has the disease.

● Diet

The risk of uric acid may be higher if you consume foods high in purines, such as meat, seafood, organ meats, beans, including alcoholic beverages or sweet (fructose).

● Excess Body Weight

Excess weight or obesity cause the body to produce more uric acid. This event causes the kidneys to eliminate uric acid, therefore excessive levels in the body.

● Other diseases

Uric acid can also be triggered by hypertension or hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart disease and kidney disease.


Some drugs are badociated with the risk of uric acid, including thiazide diuretics, low-dose aspirin, and drugs to prevent rejection in people undergoing transplantation. 39; organ.

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