Knowing the ketogenic diet, can cure heart disease with Alzheimer's disease

[ad_1] – Some begin to sign up for the gym, turning vegetarians to give up their bad lifestyle like smoking and drinking. Of course, this is good news given that today 's requirements are increasing and that health must remain active.

Talking about healthy food can not hurt if we are familiar with the diet ketogenik . It is said that this diet is mainly chosen by a number of celebrities in Indonesia, is known to form the body's metabolism to quickly burn fat into energy.

Basically the same as the other diets we already know together, keto diet to arrange and restrict certain menus that can be consumed.
Specifically, the keto diet model will reduce carbohydrate consumption and replace it with a high fat content. Well, replacing the intake of carbohydrates into fat, the body will respond with a metabolic condition called ketosis.

Did you know that ketosis itself is a natural state of the body's metabolism that turns fat into energy instead of carbohydrates. The condition is considered effective for the body by burning fat.

It can also alter ketones in the liver, which can provide energy for the brain by treating fatty acids from foods. Here is the object reported by, Monday (23/7/2018).

1. Weight Loss
Of course, all those who diet plan to lose weight and shape their body becomes more ideal. According to the research results, the perceived effect of fat consumption in the keto diet, 2 times higher than those who apply a low-fat diet, you know.

2. Minimizing Blood Sugar Levels
The keto diet is also known to be good for diabetics. By reducing the consumption of carbohydrates, the body will also reduce the productivity of glucose and insulin in the blood.

Under normal conditions, glucose and insulin are used as sources of body energy. However, too much of the two is not good and can cause illness and excess weight.

3. Cure diseases
Apparently, the keto diet can also reduce various diseases and health problems in the body, ranging from the elimination of acne, relieve heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, cancer. This is due to the low sugar and insulin content in the body that carry various diseases.

As mentioned, each diet forces its users to endure a number of foods to consume, especially foods rich in carbohydrates such as rice. In addition, other types of foods such as:

  • Processed foods with high sugar content; (19659015) Wheat, as in potatoes, carrots, etc.
  • Fruits, except with small portions for cereals and strawberries

Meat, such as red meat, steak, ham, sausage, bacon, chicken, turkey.

  • Fish-fish, salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout
  • Eggs, in particular eggs treated with pasturisation and with omega 3.
  • Avocado, whole or processed into guacamole
  • Nuts, such as almonds, chia seeds, seeds
  • Unprocessed cheese: cheddar, goat, cream, blue or mozzarella.
  • But keep in mind, the keto diet does not mean any side effects. You can have the keto flu, the body that feels weak, which can increase hunger, difficulty sleeping, drunkenness, digestion and lack of energy during exercise.

    You must also eat 3 times a day breakfast, lunch and dinner. Of course, with the menu of food in accordance with this diet. Hope this information is useful.

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