KUR Special Prepared Tourism | Jakarta newspaper


The tourism industry currently does not get direct credit support to expand its business and its share is still very small compared to the distribution of credit to other industries .

Jakarta – The government is preparing a plan for Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) to increase the number of tourist arrivals and boost the performance of the tourism sector under development.

"All agreed, Pak Menko, OJK, BI and Banking, Tourism Minister Arief Yahya, after the coordination meeting of investment development in the tourism sector at the Ministry of Economic Affairs Coordination, Jakarta, Friday (29/6).

Arief said that the tourism industry is not currently getting help for credit directly. The company's development and share is still very low compared to the distribution of credit to other industries

"The total credit, not necessarily KUR, is channeled into tourism, only up to three percent of the total credit. (19659004) Currently, according to Arief, is a standardized nomenclature in the distribution of KUR so that the tourism sector can gain in ease to encourage businesses and increase the economic activity as a whole.

"We agree on the nomenclature, we standardize" In this tourism, there are several sub-sectors, such as hotels, restaurants, cafes, and we do for families from all over the world. welcome, "he said after the publication of the rules for implementing the KUR distribution of the tourism industry.


President of the Council Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Wimboh Santoso added that funding in the tourism sector is still insufficient.In fact, the tourism sector is growing with the existence of 10 main destinations

"Tourism can generate revenue from the dollar. So far, funding is still scattered, poorly coordinated, while in the future, there are 10 priority tourist destinations, "he said.

"If a tourist arrives, it means that the risk is low. The Ministry of Tourism hopes that with this KUR distribution, the tourism industry can grow and the number of arrivals (19659004) The amount of foreign currencies targeted by the arrival of foreign tourists in 2019 is 20 billion US dollars, compared with 20 million tourists who visit Indonesia, or exceeds foreign currency generated by the CPO industry. that is to say that the realization of the distribution of KUR until the end of May 2018 reached 57.6 billion rupees or about 48% of the target distribution of 120 trillion rupees, to 2,201,005 debtors

Most sectors that get KUR production such as agriculture, hunting and forestry, fishing, trade industry, construction and services.

Ant / E-10

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