ladies here is how to easily treat snoring


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When we lose one that we love, our most bitter tears are called by the memory of the hours when we have not loved enough.

-> – Unconsciously sleeping, snoring often or better than snoring. Of course, it is very disturbing when we sleep

Not only are we disturbed, but the noise caused by snoring can also make a partner or roommate feel sleepy.

Snoring can also increase the risk of respiratory diseases, stroke and / or heart disease. Usually, snoring is caused by several factors such as family history, large tonsils that can shrink the airways, overweight or alcohol consumption

or you have a nasal or respiratory problem, as well as # 39, a sleeping position. So, and if you want to stop it?

According to dr. Weny Tan, Beauty Clinic Beauty Inc. One of the ways to stop snoring is to use the latest laser method that is 4D

"4D can be used for throat therapy because one of the mengagokkan factors due to breathing disorders or could be the respiratory muscles start to lose.Well, for those who started to lose their muscles, can be repaired with this 4D laser therapy, he said when found the editors at Beauty Clinic Beauty Inc. Sunrise Garden, West Jakarta, some time ago.

Wenny explains how this 4D laser works, that's the way the laser is directed into the esophagus. After about four times the treatment with a distance of 2-3 weeks, the results will be improved.

"The level of Ngoroknya is reduced, if the cuman or loud snoring and couples usually feel noisy 3-4 times they say that it is good, ngoroknya not kenceng or much less," he added .

In addition to health, dr. Wenny said that the 4D laser can make a unique mark for beauty, which is useful for tightening, narrowing pores, brightening and shaping the face.

"This is the preferred laser for the face so fast and bright.In addition to the brightness of the face, we also have a laser scene of the inside of the mouth.We have the melas cheeks of the face. inside, the goal being to shake the cheeks, so not only from the outside, but also from the inside, "he said.

And for you with a cheek that tends to be chubby and wanting smaller or thinner, you can use this European technology. And for you who want to get rid of acne.

"Less is more for this treatment that takes 30 minutes." From the initial phase to anastesi wait 30 minutes .In fact, without anesthesia, it's good because the laser is comfortable ", was -he says.

For a beauty laser, you should treat about 4 to 5 times, with a time of one month. Why a month? dr. Wenny explained that because each laser performs the upper layer of the skin is lifted, in its healing within 28 days, the new skin can grow back.

"It is good to wait until our skin is perfect again Do not be aggressively forced not too good, wait for the moment.After that do not forget to use sunscreen it should be suggested that there is home care yes.As the morning cream, the night cream, will help our skin healthier, better skin color and the pores may be smaller, "lid .

Well ladies this 4D laser can you get at the Sunrise Garden West Jakarta beauty clinic. And it should be noted for pregnant women is not recommended to do this treatment yes

(vem / asp)

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