Lampura DHO optimistic to pass the 2018 malaria eligibility test


KOTABUMI ( – North Lampung Regency Health Bureau is optimistic to pbad the 2018 malaria elimination test from the Ministry of Health. The Head of the Infectious Disease Prevention (P2P) Section of the Lampung Utara District Health Unit, Mr. Yusuf in his office on Friday (7/7/2018) said he was optimistic to pbad the test Malaria elimination of 2018 in Lampura.
Therefore, the three conditions set by the Ministry of Health for the elimination of malaria, namely; a slaughter rate positive of less than 5%, a malaria incidence rate of less than 1% per 100,000 population in the region and for 3 consecutive years, the number of uninfected malaria cases in the region has been reached.
Referencing the results of the Malaria Elimination Assessment Team of the Ministry of Health during the Feasibility Test of Malaria 2018 elimination in Lampura from Thursday to Friday (6- 7/7/2018) divided into two stages, namely; badessment of health case files related to malaria cases occurring in the region in 3 consecutive years (2015 n / a 2017) and field trials of the case at the health center. Namely: RSUD Ryacudu Kotabumi and Puskesmas Kotabumi 2, and visited the former victim of malaria in Jln. Punai, Kelurahan Tanjung Harapan Kec. South Kotabumi, especially when examining mosquito larvae carrying malaria disease in the gutter by expert enth emologist Kemenkes, the result is negative or no mosquito larvae carrying the vector of malaria n & # 39; 39 is found.
North Lampung has met the qualifications and is proven by the absence of mosquito mosquito larvae carrying the malaria vector in the Kotabumi gullies and hopes that Lampura will obtain a malaria-free certificate from the WHO and President RI "he said


Sri Agustina



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