Laser Aton can be selected to burn excess fat in the body, never heard?


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When we lose one that we love, our most bitter tears are called by the memory of the hours when we have not loved enough.

-> – Our body needs fat. Fats act as food reserves that provide the energy supply that the body needs safely. It's just that in some cases one needs to burn excess fat in one's body.

But why do so many people want to erode fat in the body? Of course, there are health risks, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes symptoms, increased cholesterol and the loss of its appeal.

Many ways to scrape and get rid of fats in a natural and medical way. Such as diet, exercise up to the instant way that more and more popular like a lot of liposuction or liposuction.

Laser with small needles

Dr. Rocky Chua, Doctor of Aesthetics at Dermapro Clinic Jakarta./Copyright Jakarta

In addition, there is also Laser Aton from the Dermapro Clinic in Jakarta. Laser Aton is a laser technology through a small needle inserted into the skin on the body part with excess fat.

"Once the needle is placed on the desired part, the fat is burned into a liquid absorbed by the body to be expelled," said Dr. Rocky Chua, an aesthetic physician at the Dermapro Jakrta Clinic

] Amankah

Dr. Rocky Chua, an aesthetic doctor at the Dermapro Clinic in Jakarta./Copyright Jakarta

In addition to Laser Aton The mesolipo technique, commonly known as mesotherapy, has also become the One of the favorite methods of fat removal. Mesolipo is a beauty treatment of excessive fat scraping with a special serum injection.

So what about the safety of the two medical methods above, is it safe? "He is certainly safe because he has pbaded a series of tests, but must be balanced with natural means for a longer effect," he concluded

For you who are trying to overcome the excess fat, this laser method can be tried. Hope the info can help you with the ladies.


(see also)

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