Lebanon considers the legalization of cannabis as medical


Nova M, North Aceh Women's Police Withdrew Marijuana Stems During Marijuana Operations, in Cot Rawa Tu Village, Sawang Sub-district, Aceh Utara, Aceh, Wednesday (10/5). – The Lebanese parliament plans to legalize the cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes, said Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri on Wednesday as part of efforts to stimulate sluggish economic growth. [19659003"Leparlementlibanaispréparelarechercheetpromulguelalégislationnécessairepourréglementerlaculturedelamarijuanapuisl'utiliseàdesfinsmédicalescommedansdenombreuxpayseuropéensetdanscertainsétatsdesEtatsUnited"bed-ondansuncommuniquéaujourd'huilaculturedelamarijuanaesttoujoursillégaleauLibandenombreuxgrandspropriétairesterriensontplantéaucoursdesdernièresdécenniesletanahamdansl'aubedelavalléedelaBekaaintacteparlesforcesdel'order

places Lebanon in third place in the world after Morocco and & # 39; Afghanistan to sap marijuana seized by the government.

Lebanon itself has been experiencing economic stagnation since 2011 as the impact of regional security unrest. The IMF's international credit agency is forecasting GDP growth of 1-1.5% in 2017 and 2018, saying the main source of the economy of construction and land remains sluggish.

The IMF also urged the Lebanese government to "improve the health of the public debt ratio, which reaches more than 150% of GDP by the end of 2017.

To help change the economy, Lebanon counts this year a consulting firm McKinsey to plan the productive sectors.

One of the options for Lebanon in the McKinsey report is to legalize the cultivation of marijuana which will then be exported to Medical purposes, a government source told Reuters.The report is not yet open to the public because it is still awaiting permission from the government.

Source: Between

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