Lecturer ITB Create Superkapasitor Mobil Mobil dari Palm oil


Bandung – A team of researchers from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) consisting of four people successfully used palm oil waste to create an electric car supercapacitor.

The four researchers are: Dr. Tirto Prakoso ST M Eng, Dr. Ir Isdiriayani, Dr. Hary Devianto ST M.Eng, Ph.D. and Dr. Eng Pramujo Widiatmoko ST MT

Tirto Prakoso, in a press release Press of the Public Relations and Publications Department of the ITB Sunday, said that commercial superkapasitor is still widely used precious metals base (19659002) He said that Indonesia is the largest producer of & nbsp; 39 palm oil in the world with a plantation area of ​​11 million hectares and it is not surprising that Indonesia is also the world's largest exporter of palm oil. Fantastic Palm Oil, Industrial Biorefinery Palm oil in Indonesia is becoming very important and has grown rapidly. "On the other hand, it is a compromise in itself because the biombad waste generated by the palm oil production process increases in terms of quantity, c & # 39; that's why we created the supercapacitor electric cars from oil palms "Tirto

The oil palm is a carbon-rich plant that is the result of the fixation of atmospheric CO2. The main product of the processing of palm fruit clusters is its oil or otherwise known as Crude Palm Oil (CPO). While the rest of the product consists of bunches of empty fruit, coconut fiber and kernels, heart seeds often end up being waste

"No waste, but other biombad products ". 19659002] It is said that the high hemicellulose, lignin and cellulose content of residual biombad allows for the extraction of carbon content.

"The best option is to turn it into nanocarbon to make the supercapacitor of an electric car. The extraction process begins with the destruction of the biombad, and then the hydrothermal carbonization process is performed using ZnCl2 as an activator.

After the elimination of unwanted metal minerals. There are two types of products, namely bio-char and bio-oil. Several special treatments are needed until finally found graphene activated carbon, and Carbon Nanotubes (CNT).

Activated carbon is used as a material for the support layer while Graphene and CNT with high electron transfer capacity were used as materials added above ] support layer

The supercapacitor with a capacity of three farads per gram was successfully created. The yield obtained from the dry biombad for this supercapacitor reaches 70%.

With equally satisfactory results, ITB researchers are working on patent claims on their results. For the future, said Tirto, the project will focus on the pursuit of quantity since the supercapacitor used in electric cars is big enough for the farad value required

"The value added reaches 500 times the value initial biombad of palm oil residues In fact, he continues, not only limited to its use for the electric car supercapacitor, in the future researcher of the ITB hopes the solar cell industry ] (Solar electric) and coating Automotive window film for electricity production can be developed with the same technology.

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