Leftist politicians Lopez Obrador win the elections …


Mexican voters who are frustrated by the violence and corruption in his country are turning to the political opponent Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and elect him as the new president. The Morena party and its allies also won the majority of seats in parliament.

A quick count of the election committee predicts, Lopez Obrador wins about 53 percent of the vote. By Monday morning, about 20% of the votes were counted. Morena's left-wing party and its allies should also win a large majority in the Mexican Senate and House of Representatives.

Lopez Obrador promised to carry out reforms and push back the "Mafia of power" to power. He also said that he was going to fight corruption. This victory is rather confusing, as the ruling party of President Enrique Pena Nieto's PRI conducts polls since the beginning of the campaign

PRI dominated Mexican politics for most of the 20th century and took over the presidency in 2012. But in the time of election (19459004) Agenda of the Reform

In a brief reception in a hotel in central Mexico City, Lopez Obrador called for reconciliation and promised a major change, but with respect to Order and constitutional law. Legitimate ambition: I want to be registered in history as a good Mexican president, "said Lopez Obrador, who has suffered defeats in two previous elections." [Notre] new national project will seek to build an authentic democracy, and we do not have the intention of building a dictatorship, "said Lopez Obrador." The changes will be very deep, but in accordance with existing rules (laws). "

Lopez supporters Obrador were seen starting to celebrate victory in the main streets of Mexico City by calling for "Viva Mexico!"

US President Donald Trump sent a congratulatory tweet: "I look forward to working with him. There is much to be done that will benefit the United States and Mexico!

Lopez Obrador pledges support to Mexican migrants in the United States and says they are the most forgotten of Mexico and that 's the best in the world. it will have priorities da In his government, he also said that he would seek a relationship of "friendship and respect" with the United States. "Peace and serenity are the fruits of justice," says Lopez Obrador. "The resentment felt by Mexicans has been used successfully by Lopez Obrador." O Neil, an expert for Latin American studies at the US Foreign Relations Commission. "He can embrace people who want change."

The new Mexican President will begin his term of office on December 1, 2018.

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