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As is known, diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which the blood sugar level becomes very high due to fluctuations in the hormone insulin produced in the body. Symptoms of diabetes include excessive thirst, frequent urination, slow healing, low immunity, weight fluctuations, and fatigue.
Diabetes does not have a permanent cure, but its symptoms can be treated and administered with the help of routine medications, a healthy diet and exercise. Patients may need to take medication every day for the rest of their lives.
However, taking chemical-based medications daily can be harmful to long-term health, although they may reduce the symptoms of the disease. We must therefore do everything in our power to try to control the symptoms naturally and aim to reduce the doses of the medicine after talking to your doctor.
There are a number of natural ingredients in the kitchen and garden that are effective not only to prevent, but also to treat a number of diseases, such as mild headaches to major diseases , diabetes.
Most of us have heard of an ancient form of Ayurvedic medicine originating in India. This treatment uses natural ingredients to prevent and treat a number of diseases.
One of the best benefits of the natural medicine of modern medicine is the lack of side effects, since no chemical is added thereto. Thus, natural drugs can be used for a long time without fear of side effects.
Well, like diluting Boldsky, the following natural ingredients that can treat the symptoms of diabetes. Materials required: gooseberry, 4 tablespoons cinnamon powder, 1 tablespoon curry leaf. Put the gooseberry, cinnamon powder, curry leaves and ½ cup of water in a blender.
Milled well to form the liquid. Drink this juice every morning before breakfast. Do not add sugar or salt to the juice. This home remedy for treating the symptoms of diabetes, works very well, when used regularly, and in the right amount.
However, you should also note that taking this natural remedy is only effective when certain healthy lifestyle changes are made. Cutting the diet completely, eating balanced meals, getting enough exercise every day, stopping bad habits like smoking and alcoholic beverages, these are some of the lifestyle changes that need to be made.
As is known, gooseberry contains vitamin C in large amounts that have the ability to regulate insulin levels in the body in order to keep blood sugar under control. He is able to treat the symptoms of diabetes.
Meanwhile, a number of studies have shown that cinnamon is another natural ingredient that contains powerful enzymes that can normalize blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.
The curry leaves used for this decoration contain phosphorus and vitamin C which can treat the symptoms of diabetes. Thus, the combination of these three natural ingredients effectively treats the symptoms of diabetes. Note, medications prescribed for diabetes should be discussed with your doctor.
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