Losing weight with less rice, is not it?


TRIBUNJOGJA.COM – Rice is the most avoided food ingredient when a person is on a diet.

Women who Eat Healthy or Plan Their Diet by Reducing Carbohydrate Intake

Rice is a Carbohydrate Food It's no wonder women often replace rice consumption by eating carbohydrates potatoes or foods high in protein.

Is this the right thing to do to lose weight?

Carbohydrates that come into play in the body will of course be transformed into energy, while the rest will form fat in the body.

Not all menus will make the weight gain that occurs in the human body.

Transformed foods containing high carbohydrates such as bread and cakes quickly absorbed by the body and releases insulin into the blood sugar.

If you eat processed carbohydrate food, the body will store most calories from burning it

While the body shape will get bigger.

Well, to keep the weight stable, make sure to eat healthy foods and avoid processed foods like bread. This article was published in Grid.ID under the title Many carbohydrates can make fat anyway? Check yuk! (*)

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