Lupus: Recognize and Overcome –


Written by: Alfred Zakaria, President of the Lupus Volunteers in Indonesia

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, MAGELANG – On June 30, 2018 afternoon, the Armada Town Square Mall Magelang atrium was dressed in purple . A hundred people gather to fill some headsets to listen to talk shows about the introduction of Lupus with dr. Dwi Budi Darmawati, SpPD-KR with Lupus theme: Recognizing and Overcoming

This event is a continuation of the World Days Lupus Worldshow series that was held by the Lupus Indonesia Volunteers (RELI) held on April 22, 2018. [19659004] Read: Acts The old ambulance cars that make citizens proud

RELI as a non-profit legal entity engaged in social-humanity and health especially in relation to Lupus Disease talkhow event at Fleet Town Square atrium Magelang on the theme of Lupus: Recognize and Conquer

Featured speakers are Dwi Budi Darmawati, SpPD-KR, a rematologist who works in Magelang who treated various cases of lupus and autoimmunity

. Regent of Magelang, in the presence of representatives of the Magelang District Health Bureau, the National Agency for Unity and Politics and representatives of the management of Fleet Town Square Mall. 659003] Perhaps we are all curious about Lupus, what is Lupus?

Perhaps most people know Lupus better with an image described by Hilman Hariwijaya in his novel, a young man who is synonymous with chewing gum. it is not this lupus. This lupus is known in the medical world. Nothing is as hilarious and stupid as we see in Hilman's Lupus, but something even dangerous threatening life.

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Autoimun itself is known in the medical world as a condition in which the supposed immune system response to viral pathogens or bacterial attacks the body's own tissues

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