Magelang ready for self-sufficiency National Garlic

[ad_1] – The agricultural sector of the Magelang Regency, especially Garlic, is enthusiastic. Exactly for years in recent years.

Magelang, who has been developing local garlic since 1970, continues today to boost garlic productivity.

Gelatin with garlic returns to normal, where the spirit of culture of farmers as well as the emergence of a national program of the garlic of the General Directorate Horticulture Ministry of Agriculture.

Head of the Office of Vegetables and Medicinal Plants of Agriculture Regency of Magelang, Yoga Sosilo said, the potential of garlic development is very promising.

"The land can reach 3,000 hectares, divided into four sub-districts namely Windusari, Kaliangkrik, Kajoran and Pakis," he told in Jakarta on Saturday (30 / 6).

Of the four subdistricts, Yoga continued, each one of them was ready to raise his seed. Even the seeds of yellow spice varieties are currently available around 300 tons.

"The regency of Magelang is ready to ensure and achieve self-sufficiency of the garlic in 2021 as requested by the Minister of Agriculture, Andi Amran Sulaiman", he declared.

Kasubdit Bawang Merah Dan Sayuran Umbi, Kementan Horticulture Branch, Agung Sunusi, said that Magelang is very promising as a national center of support for garlic.

Including being a seed supplier, especially varieties of yellow lumbu.

"Currently, Magelang has partnered with about 5 importers who are forced to plant, we are pushing and continuously trying to support APBN funds since 2017-2018 we have allocated 400 hectares for the development of garlic" said Agung.

Agung hopes that the regency of Magelang will continue to improve, especially in the preparation of difficult human resources.

"It is important to demonstrate the self-sufficiency of garlic in 2021 and become a buffer for national seeds, its cultivation.

(Mam / JPC) [19659000] [ad_2]
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