Mahathir called Malaysian corruption fraud often misplaced


Mahathir has not received any information on the catches Jho Low

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KUALA LUMPUR – Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad claims to have not been informed of the l '; arrest of Low Taek Jho, in other words Jho Low. He is a fugitive who was chased out by the Malaysian police for being involved in the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) corruption case.

"There is no information (on the arrest of Jho Low), which I know that he jumped from one place to the next." other, "Mahathir told the media team on Thursday, July 19, The Straits Times.

Although he does not know for sure the arrest of Jho Low, Mahathir hopes that the news will be true. "I hope he's stopped," he said.

When asked if Malaysia and China had extradition treaties, Mahathir did not reply any. "But they can still give it back to us," he said.

Jho Low is said to be in China. Just as the Inspector General of Mahathir Police, Mohamad Fuzi, admits that he was not able to confirm the arrest of Jho Low. "I have not been informed and can not answer it," he said when Malay Mail asked him to answer .

Fuzi is currently saying that the Malaysian authorities do not know exactly where Jho Low is located. "We do not have complete information based on our intelligence (information), he (Jho Low) has traveled to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and China, which is the latest to date, but we do not know where he is, he said.

Nevertheless, Fuzi insists that the pursuit of Jho Low will not be stopped. "If we have the right place, we will reduce it and capture the 39, aid of the country concerned, it is still a process in progress, "said Fuzi.

The 1MDB corruption case would have cost billions of US dollars to Malaysia. case that began to stick in 2015 resulted in the former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak.

Najib was arrested and tried in early July, the Attorney General of Malaysia, Tommy Thomas, filed a complaint against Najib, three criminal charges and one charge of abuse of power, all of which relate to his role in 1MDB case.

But after the war, Najib was released after his two sons Norashman Najib and Nooryana Najwa Najib deposited a security deposit of 1 million ringgit. Najib will come back early next year

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