Mahathir: LGBT rights not right for Malaysia


KUALA LUMPUR, – Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad on Thursday (10/25/2018), his country can not accept LGBT rights such as same-bad marriage.

Mahathir stressed that LGBT rights issues are "Western" values.

Mahathir made this blatant statement in response to what activists are saying about intolerance towards the growing LGBT community in Malaysia.

"At present, we can not accept LGBT people, but if they (the West) want to accept it, it's their business. Do not force us" said the 93-year-old politician from Bangkok's Chulalongkorn University.

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"Marital institutions, family institutions have been belittled by the West, why should we follow this? Our value system is good," he added.

"If they (West) decide one day to roam the bare streets, should we follow them?" Mahathir pointed out.

Malaysia adheres to a dual legal system that allows Islamic religious courts to deal with the religious and family affairs of majority Muslims.

Some states in Malaysia also apply Sharia law.

Mahathir returned to power after a surprise victory in last May's elections. His victory was further motivated by the public's disappointment at the endemic corruption in Malaysia.

However, the Mahathir government has also been highlighted about a number of controversial statements about the LGBT community in the country.

Earlier, the Islamic ministry had expressed its opposition to homobaduality, and in September Mahathir declared that same-bad marriage was not appropriate in Malaysia.

The statement he reiterated at his general conference in Bangkok, Thailand.

"For example, today in the West, men marry men, women marry women, and families do not consist of fathers, mothers, and children, but two men adopt infants. someone, "said Mahathir.

"And they call it a family," he said.

Read also: Mahathir Mohamad: Malaysia can not receive LGBT culture

Despite having a strong vision of the LGBT community, Mahathir recently opposed the caning of two women accused of being bads.

The two women were badped in front of more than 100 people in early September in the state of Terengganu, in the north of the country.

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