Mahathir: UMNO to return millions of funds from 1MDB


The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) suspends 900 bank accounts, including those of UMNO

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LANGKAWI – Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad insists that the # UMNO must return millions of ringgit to the government day found the fact that the fund comes from 1MDB. This statement was issued following the freezing of 900 bank accounts, including UMNO accounts, by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) on Thursday (28/6).

"We need to know where the money comes from and if it's from 1MDB, it has to be returned," Mahathir told reporters after attending the day Open Doors Hari Raya at Makam Mahsuri on Saturday (30/6) as reported by Star Online .

The MACC froze about 900 bank accounts, including property of UMNO and the United Sarawak Freedom Party. Freezing this account as part of an ongoing investigation into the case of 1MDB State Investment Funds.

Former Prime Minister Najib Razak criticized the move. He said the MACC movement would have a major impact and would endanger party activities and prevent the formation of an effective opposition.

Najib asked the Pakatan Harapan government not to sacrifice political parties. "On the contrary, I welcome the investigation I've conducted, as Pakatan campaigned in recent elections that claimed I was involved in various mistakes." Frozen bank accounts will also bring difficulties workers and party staff, as well as their families ". This unreasonable act can be seen as an attack and a rejection of the foundations of democracy, "Najib added.

Separately, the MACC stated that it was open to discussions with the UMNO on" "partial exemption" from the fund. MACC chief commissioner, Mohd Shukri Abdull, said that the UMNO should send "someone with the authority and power to take action. decisions "on behalf of the party." UMNO officials can come to my office.

Meanwhile, the new head of the UMNO, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, said that he had asked the MACC to allow the party to use part of its funds in a frozen account. He said that it was to allow the party to pay wages, rent and other administrative costs and not for other purposes.

Ahmad Zahid said that the petition was submitted to the MACC on Friday 29/6 by Tengku Adnan, the party's secretary general. ranks of lawyers appointed by UMNO.

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