Malaysia auction for artificial treasures Najib Razak


[SINGAPURA] The Malaysian government will sell seized property in places related to former Prime Minister Najib Razak as part of an investigation related to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) scandal. It was announced by the Minister of Finance Lim Guan Eng in an interview with Associated Press Friday (29/6).

During the seizure, more than 10,000 jewels and luxury items such as Hermes were confiscated. The total confiscated property is estimated at RM 1.1 billion (US $ 270 million).

Despite allegations that foreclosure was related to the 1MBD scandal, Najib insisted that most of the confiscated property was priced. In an interview, Lim said the Malaysian government intended to "monetize" the confiscated property, but warned that the value of his money might not be worth the money stolen from him. 39; State.

million. Lim said he was surprised and unhappy when he realized that Najib had 2.6 billion ringgit ($ 644 million) in his private bank account.

The former prime minister had previously denied allegations of corruption and argued the large amount of money transferred into his personal bank account is a gift from Saudi Arabia, and not like a prosecution The American prosecutors allege that more than US $ 4.5 billion of 1MDB funds are "laundered" through a complex network of transactions and shell companies. The US Department of Justice (DoJ) has filed several lawsuits to claim badets of about US $ 1.7 billion (about 24.2 trillion rupiah), allegedly stolen from 1 million pounds sterling

Black Holes

When Najib continued to engage in the 1MBD scandal, Lim said that Najib's political coalition had put Malaysia in a deeper black hole . "We can still do something, but if we are still waiting for the Najib period, we can do nothing." The half full glbad "will allow us to rehabilitate our finances, to straighten out so that we can be reintegrated, into an economy viable dynamic for Malaysia, "said Lim.

Earlier on Friday, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad will soon be charged in court, and the authorities are investigating and collecting evidence of the loss of billions of dollars from 1MDB

. yes involved in the 1MBD scandal is the wife of Najib Rosmah Mansor and the Malaysian businessman Low Taek Jho, widely known as Jho Low.

Interior Minister Muhyiddin Ybadin also said that the Malaysian authorities have enough information that Jho Low,

The Wall Street Journal reported that some people who know that Rosmah says he is obsessed with wealth play a crucial role in pushing Najib's government into a corruption scandal, which eventually led to the collapse of the government. [Agencies/U-5]

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