Malaysia investigates an 11-year-old girl's marriage with men aged 41


KUALA LUMPUR, – Malaysian authorities investigate the marriage of an 11-year-old girl to a 41-year-old man

Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister, stated that the marriage was illegal

It is expected that he will meet relevant officials on Monday (07/02/2018) to discuss the case, which sparked public outrage .

Photos circulating on social media show Che Abdul Karim Che Abdul Hamid (41) He married an 11 year old girl as his third wife

See also: Men aged 41 in Malaysia were punished for marriage Young girl of 11 years

Muslim men in Malaysia can marry four women the legal marriage is 16 years old.

Wan Azizah said the authorities are studying the possibility that parents approve of marriage because of poverty.

"Pedophilia, oak the fiery child, child badgraphy, we must be firm on this possibility because children are our responsibility."

The initial investigation showed that the girl n & # 39; 39, was not in school. She was seduced twice and her mother told Che Karim that her daughter was too young.

The mother asked for the wedding to take place when her daughter was 16 years old.

Activists in Malaysia urged the government to get married. 19659002] "We hope that the Deputy Prime Minister will meet with child rights NGOs to address the critical issues of child protection," said the children's rights group. penalize child marriage to protect minors

Read also: Activists urge the Malaysian government to ban child marriage

Che Karim is outraged by his acts of marrying a named girl Masaryu Mat Rashid he is still 11 years old.

He claims to legalize his marriage by submitting to marriage when his wife was 16, according to the age of marriage allowed by law in Malaysia.

"I am saddened by the wild badumptions and accusations made against me on social media for marrying a third woman." [Fonction (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod?
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