Malaysian Journalists Celebrate Freedom of Information on Najib's Case


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Not only the critics Najib Razak reporters in Malaysia also celebrated the trial of the former prime minister on Wednesday (4/7) because now they can be free to make news.

Since dawn, reporters await the arrival of Najib who must attend the prosecution hearing bribery scandal investment agency State 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) and its subsidiary, SRC International.

Adam Abu Bakr, told that this moment is very rare because when Najib came to power with an iron fist, few media dared to raise the case of the Former leader of the UMNO party.

"This case is very interesting because there is a change in reporting angle." If formerly, reporters would feel a little shake, and not many news agencies will bring but now almost all news agencies bring and review the problems of 1MDB or SRC, "said the journalist Free Malaysia Today Adam Abu Bakar, . ]

Previously, Adam had always complained of the Najib government's media-related constraints so that the institutions supposed to be the fourth pillar of democracy could no longer move freely.

Journalists are so eager to develop a cover plan. Najib at Kuala Lumpur Court

"This is the first time in Malaysia that publishers, journalists and other media evangelists seek to make the cover because it attracts not only the Malay people but draws the attention of people abroad. (19659008) Malaysian Insight Seth Akmal [1965900]] A few minutes after the trial, the photographer was very excited because he was able to capture the moment of the Najib fall freely, finished, Seth immediately uploaded the pictures that the recording of Najib looked like (19459008) Malaysian Insider Seth also admitted that he was happy to be finally free to work again

"Yes, cool! May God be allowed to continue working, "he said . [194590]] (a)

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