Malaysian KPK catches Najib Razak


Najib was arrested at his residence in Langgak Duta at 15:00 local time

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PETALING JAYA – Former Prime Minister Najib Razak was arrested by Malaysian anti-corruption commission ( MACC). Najib was arrested by agents at his residence in Langgak Duta around 3:00 pm local time

The arrest of Najib was also confirmed by MACC. However, MACC still has not issued a statement related to the arrest. "Just wait for a statement from us," said a source as proclaimed The Star Tuesday (3/7)

As is well known, Najib Razak has become one of the suspicions of corruption in the body of the investment company 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). The scandal cost the red-clad company 14.4 billion ringgit.

Najib reportedly received direct cash flow in his personal account of 10.5 billion ringgits. The cash flow that he got from a subsidiary of 1MDB, SRC International.

However, Najib has always denied the allegations. He insists that he has never done anything illegal with regard to 1MDB. The US Department of Justice (US) suspects abuse $ 4.5 billion 1MDB.

The money was used to buy the dark fund would have been channeled to buy expensive jewelry for the woman from Najib, a luxury cruiser to Picbado. Najib claimed not to know at all, let alone to see the vessel in question. This is how Picaso's picture was given to Leonardo DiCaprio as a birthday present.

He insists that he will never agree to an agreement if he knows that there has been misappropriation of funds. According to him, a long career as a public officer makes the charges against him unreasonable.

"If I am the highest official who has to finalize my business, I will never allow it." Why is the Prime Minister approving the use of funds? public to buy ships and paintings? "Najib

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