Malaysian media: Najib Razak could be arrested this week …


Kuala Lumpur – According to rumors, the Malaysian authorities would arrest former Prime Minister Najib Razak this week for alleged links in the case of the mega-corruption of 1Malaysia Development Berhad

. ] Malaysiakini June 29, 2018, who obtained information from the Financial Crime Division of the Royal Malaysian Police

According to Malaysiakini an anonymous source of the PDRM explained that the Division of Financial crimes would soon hold a press conference. Describe the results of the investigation into the confiscated property at Najib Razak's property in mid-May 2018.

When asked if the title of the press conference indicated that Najib Razak would be soon arrested, anonymous source said Malaysiakini :

"(The capture of Najib Razak) can take place at the time (press conference) According to the progress of the investigation , "explains the anonymous source to Malaysiakini cited in World of Buzz Sunday (1/7/2018).

On Thursday, June 28, 2018, during his visit to Jakarta, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said the Malaysian authorities would immediately charge Najib Razak in the near future.

"I think he (Najib) will be brought to justice" Malaysian citizens at the Malaysian embbady in Indonesia, quoted by Channel News Asia .

"Many ask why no action is taken after so long … But, to bring the case to justice, one must" Investigators should also make sure they collect "solid evidence" of the involvement of Najib, his wife (Rosmah Mansor) and businessman Jho Low in Skand. al 1MDB so that it is not disputed by their lawyers, "he added.

Jho Low is a Malaysian financier who, since the 1MDB scandal, is strongly suspected to be the heart of the The authorities also suspect Jho Low of having links with Najib Razak about the 1MDB scandal

Meanwhile, Najib Razak recently reiterated that he was not involved in the biggest scandal rasuah in the history of the neighboring country.

with Reuters Najib also admitted that the millions of dollars and luxury items confiscated by the Malaysian police of some of his properties last month had nothing to do with the corruption of 1MDB.Also, as cited from Channel News Asia .

See also the following selection of videos :

The former Malaysian Prime Minister, Najib Razak, is a today interviewed by the Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). Previously, exactly on Tuesday, May 22, the 64-year-old man was also interviewed by MACC.

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