Mandatory to know the dangers of vitamin C for the stomach



– Gallery News

Friday, 06 July 2018 | 00:02 WIB
Read: 78 Visitors

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[NEWSmedia] – The body needs a source of micronutrients for a variety of benefits. One of the necessary sources of micronutrients is vitamins.

A source of vitamin C, one of which can come from fruits and vegetables such as citrus fruits with a bitter taste and orange or yellow color and broccoli. Vitamin C contains antioxidants that help the health of the skin in the form of collagen. Vitamin C also helps to reduce the risk of symptoms of canker sores and flu, "said the clinical nutrition specialist, dr. Marya Haryono SpGK at the launch of Oronamin C Drink, Wahid Hasyim, Jakarta, Thursday, July 5, 2018.

The metabolic system can also become more fluid with vitamin C. The consumption of vitamin B is related to the metabolism of the body [19659007] "Vitamin B plays a role in the metabolism of the body, improves the body's energy training process and nervous function," he says.

However, specifically for vitamin C, should not be consumed in excess. "If the typical stomach is sensitive to acid levels, try vitamin C is not too consumed, but the sensitive owner of the stomach can first control the health of his stomach, "he said. [viva]

Publisher: Newsmedia

Publisher: Mulyadi


Mandatory to know the dangers of vitamin C for the stomach

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