Mayor of South Jakarta invites Sunday Market residents to watch DBD


WARTA KOTA, NEW KEBAYORAN —- South Jakarta Mayor Marullah Matali urges residents of Pasar Minggu District to remain vigilant against dengue fever

Marullah says he took part in 39, activity of eradicating mosquito nests in Sekolah Tinggi. Peaches (STP) at Jalan Aup RT 01 RW 09, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, Friday (13/7/2018)

Read: DBD Press, Lurah Palmerah Apply Anti-mosquito System

Darullah said, to prevent the occurrence of dengue fever, Marullah reminded all Supervisory Supervisors of cadre larvae (jumantik) to always actively do PSN

"I hope that every day cadres monitor the larvae that exist in their environment, not only Friday (19659003) Read: The provincial government of DKI releases Marbot, PAUD and Jumantik for the TransJakarta bus trip

Marullah says that the effort to to make a Jumantik in his own home, the mosquitoes in Pasar Minggu do not rely only on jumantik

But the role of community leaders RT / RW / LMK, religious leaders must take part in the party to prevent mosquitoes in order to reduce the risk of dengue fever

Read: Jumantik Cilik Can Like Detective

"Although the number of larvae (ABJ) without data above 95 percent, but cases of dengue still exist. It shows that Aedes aegypti mosquitoes as a source of transmission are still widespread ", he declared

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