Meet Putin and Trump discuss some issues


The United States is still eager to establish and improve relations with Russia.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON – US President Donald Trump will discuss some issues during his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The two men are scheduled to meet in Helsinki, Finland on July 16th.

Trump says the issues he will discuss with Putin include the crisis in Crimea, Ukraine, the Syrian crisis, including the alleged Russian intervention in the US presidential elections of 2016.

will talk about Ukraine, Syria, elections (US presidents) We do not want anyone to spoil the elections We will talk about world events and peace, "said the Russian press agency Alexander Trump .] TASS Saturday (30/6).

When asked whether the United States would lift anti-Russian sanctions, Trump was reluctant to respond directly. "We'll see what Russia is going to do. we will talk about a lot of things to Russia, "he said.

But Trump insists that the United States is still interested in establishing and improving relations with Russia. having a relationship with China and Russia is a good ch dare, "he said.

The Kremlin and Washington announced that the Russian-American summit will be held in Helsinki, the Finnish capital, on July 16. The news came after US Security Adviser John Bolton traveled to Russia on Wednesday.

During his visit, Bolton met Putin in Moscow. "Your visit to Moscow gives us hope that we can at least make a first step towards restoring a large-scale relationship between our two countries," Vladimir Putin told Bolton. . "This summit is very important. It will be a major international event this summer, "he said.

Mr. Bolton stated that even though he was not expecting results or results specific decisions, the summit could improve the relations between the two countries.The bilateral relations between Russia and the United States are less harmonious today.In April, Russia and the United States carried out an act Expulsion of dozens of diplomatic representatives of the country. (19659003) The two countries are also involved in a dispute in the Syrian conflict, Russia is known to be a major ally of Syria, while the United States defend opposition to the United States., Russia is in the limelight for allegedly interfering with the holding of the US presidential election in 2016. Russia has me (f, b, e , v, n, t, s)
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