Meet Rini, Pilot and Garuda Management Reach Accord


The results of the transaction will be announced tomorrow.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Minister of State Enterprises, Rini Soemarno, held a meeting with representatives of the Garuda Pilot Association (APG), which is incorporated into the Garuda Employees Union (Sekarga) . The meeting lasted about 3.5 hours from 14:20 WIB at Rini, South Jakarta, Thursday (5/7)

"We come from the Garuda Pilote Association (APG) with the union with the board of directors. Garuda administration called by Ms. Rini (SOE Minister) to solve this problem, "said APG President Bintang Hardiono after Thursday's meeting (5/7).

Bintang said, after the meeting emerged agreement between the pilot and the management of Garuda Indonesia. However, Bintang is still reluctant to mention the result of the agreement to the media team.

He chose to make an official statement of agreement tomorrow (6/7) at the office of Garuda Indonesia. "So, sorry, today we can be tired of tomorrow if we want to continue tomorrow," Bintang said.

Also read, Minister of Transport: Garuda Smart People Pilot, I do not try to hit

So also with Sekarga President Tomy Tampatty agreed to announce the results of the meeting. Friday (6/7). The announcement should be a good compromise for the management of Garuda and the drivers involved in Sekarga.

Previously, the meeting was supposed to take place at the Ministry of Social Affairs, but after arriving at the site, representatives of APG and Sekarga ran Rini's private house

. For Sekarga planned to strike in July 2018 if not found a definitive solution.

The issue of an e-pilot Garuda strike has emerged before Eid. Even Transport Minister Budi Karya has asked the pilot not to go on strike because it could disrupt the return home.

Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, coordinating minister of the Ministry of Marine, also ensures that there will be no strike. I think the pilot's badociates also have a conscience, and the people of the holy month of Ramadhan want to celebrate Idul Fitri, hit, and they have a conscience, "he told Kemaritiman Jakarta's ministry on Tuesday.] [19659012]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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