Men are at greater risk of heart attack than women, it is the explanation


Reporter Report Tribunnews, Fitri Wulandari

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Heart disease is often a scary specter for almost all people in Indonesia, especially those living and living in big cities.

the disease is more likely to attack men than women?

Met in the Senayan region, South Jakarta, Tuesday (10/7/2018), specialist in heart and blood vessels Dr. Johan Winata, Sp. JP (K) FIHA, explains one of the causes of heart attack is the blockage of the vessels.

The blockage can occur because of the oily blood that accumulates and makes the blood vessels eventually shrink.

Cardiologist Blood Vessels Dr. Johan Winata, Sp. JP (K) FIHA when he is found in Senayan, South Jakarta, Tuesday (10/7/2018).

Narrowing blood vessels that make money lower the blood supply to the heart.

In addition to blocking vessels caused by oily blood, other causes are fats that can cause heart attacks because fat is clogging the bloodstream by forming clots.

Men, said Dr. Johan, have a much higher risk of having a heart attack than women.

coping with the risk of heart attack when he reaches 40 years old. "In men and women, there is a difference, in men over 40 years should check, if women (usually) after menopause," says Dr. Johan.

] He added that the fat of the blood has generally appeared since the age of 10, but that each person has a different lipid progression.

Reasons why women tend to experience symptoms more slowly during menopause. Indah Pondok Indah Puri Indah pain, describes the cause.

It has been reported that during the productive period of women, the heart is protected by menstrual hormones.

This is what makes women of childbearing age have less risk of heart attack. ] "Menstrual hormones protect the heart, so the possibility of heart attacks in women is smaller if not menopause," says Dr. Johan. (*)

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