Minister of Transport: Kulon Progo Airport will be built at the latest

[ad_1] – The Minister of Transport (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi said that the construction of the New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) to Kulonprogo will begin no later than August. (19659002) "I have not yet received the report from AP (Angkasa Pura) I but until now the engineering processes are working well, we are experiencing a finalization." The contractor has been appointed, I hear. we can start in July or at the latest in August, "Budi Karya told the UGM on Saturday, June 30.

Target related NYIA airport targeted to be operational in 2019, Budi Karya said he did not force the target on, however, Budi Karya will ensure that the NYIA airport is completed by at least 2020.

"If we have to target we should not be imposing.Continue 2019 (but ) may be the end or 2020 because an infrastructure is so important that we can not impose we will have to be realistic with the existing conditions, "explained Budi Karya.

Budi Karya describes access to NYIA airport-related transport, the design of rail transport (KA) is currently being planned.At present, Budi Karya said that the train design process is under development.

" The train is directly built, now in the process Jogja design directly to the airport, "said Budi Karya. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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