VIVA – Minister of State Enterprises (SOE), Rini Soemarno, finally inaugurated a certified internship program for students of the Avokasi UI program in a number of state-owned companies . This policy will also apply to other universities.
Rini explained that the involvement of BUMN is a mutually beneficial synergy because the higher human resources born from this program will be an alternative source of BUMN recruitment. 19659003] "I say that this program is a mutually beneficial synergy," he said
. Rini promised that students who would follow the certification program in the EE ranks would get professional experience and would be directly followed by a number of relevant administrators. 19659005] "So baseball there are again apprentices to make copies and even less to make coffee, as I did," he said
Rini hope, students and students who get the certificate what is useful depending on the area that they are doing while studying at the university.This, according to him, needs komu direction in both directions.
"Of course, we will be doing the monitoring, it's the HR forum of all the directors of SOE, so this has to be emphasized, we see that this program is very important.In the future, preparing human capital for Indonesia, "he explained.
For information, the cooperation agreement in apprenticeship, previously supported 10 persuhaan, now goes to 13 SOE companies with the vocational education program.
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk, PT Bank Tabungan Negara Tbk, PT Bank Mandiri Tbk, PT National Bank Indonesia Tbk, PT Taspen (Persero), Perum BULOG, PT Waskita Karya Tbk, Perum Perikanan Indonesia, PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk and PT Perkebunan Nusantara III
"I am proud of the public companies involved in this program, I will continue to encourage public companies to create synergies.For the students of my message, a career in BUMN is a good opportunity, so take advantage of this opportunity, "said Rini.
In the same place, the professional training program is one of the programs that prepare participants to the UI Sigit Pranowo Hadiwardoyo (19659006) Through the acquisition of skills and to improve the quality of life. expertise, this program aims to master the ability in some areas of work so that participants can be directly absorbed as "I hope this cooperation will encourage further collaborations between universities and industry in Indonesia in both the public and private sectors, "he added.
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