Ministry of Industry: the backbone of the IKM of the national economy


Jakarta (ANTARA News) – Small and medium-sized industries (IKMs) play a vital role in the national economy as, as the largest sector of Indonesia's industrial population, their activities are seen as having multiple positive effects favoring equitable distribution public welfare.

"The IKM is a mainstay of the Indonesian economy, becoming even one of the industrial sectors able to stand up during the global currency crisis," Gati Wibawaningsih, general manager of the country, said in Jakarta on Monday. Ministry of Industry, IKM.

The strength of national SMEs is reflected in the number that continues to grow. According to data from the Ministry of Industry, small industries accounted in 2014 3.52 million business units, up to 4.49 million units in the first half of 2018.

That is, 970,000 small industries have been added in the last four years.

"When it reached 4 million IKM units in 2016, the staff absorbed more than 10 million people – of course, that number dominates the industrial labor force in Indonesia," Gati said.

He also thinks that the number of national MIK will increase in line with the growth of the middle clbad, which is expected to reach 70% of the total population of Indonesia by 2025.

According to data from the Central Statistical Agency (BPS), the growth in production in the third quarter of 2018 of micro and small manufacturing industries grew by 3.88% (YoY) per year. report to the third quarter of 2017.

The increase is mainly due to the increase in production of the base metals industry, which reached 18.64%. At the same time, the tobacco processing industry recorded the largest increase in production, with 32.36%.

Gati pointed out that his party was developing more and more aggressively new entrepreneurs, especially in the IKM sector. However, in parallel with the development of the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, national players in independent knowledge management were encouraged to immediately use the latest technologies.

"For example, we provided digital marketing training to the management and members of Bhayangkari, which was attended by 200 people in Surabaya some time ago," he said.

Participants were introduced to the production process, the standardization of products and packaging, the registration of intellectual property rights and the IKM machinery and equipment restructuring facilities.

In addition, participants were also introduced to the application of "IKM Digital Learning", fruit of the collaboration between the IKM Branch and Ruangguru.

"They can refresh the materials given in clbad by viewing videos on the application," he added.

In addition, the increase in human resources (HR) competence is one of the absolute requirements to enable the national manager of know-how (IKM) to be more competitive globally in this period of industrial revolution. 4.0.

"In addition to training, the empowerment of SMIs must also be done through mentoring, which is why industry coaches with the knowledge and skills are needed," said the executive secretary. General of the IKM of the Ministry of Industry, Eddy Siswanto.

Pewarta: Sella Panduarsa Gareta
Publisher: Ahmad Buchori

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