Mitra10 targets the eastern Indonesia market


Visitors shop at a Mitra10 point of sale in Jakarta. – Azzam JAKARTA – Distributor and retailer, PT Catur Sentosa Adipradana Tbk. Catur Sentosa's Chief Financial Officer Adipradana Tjia Tjhin Hwa said that with the addition of new stores, the company has managed to record average sales per store up to 13%

"Our SSSG is still growing and we are also planning to open a shop outside the island of Java, Makbadar and Manado, "he said Thursday (28/06/2018).

The infrastructure situation that was starting to improve became the reason why the CSAP was targeting the eastern region of Indonesia. The company strategy, he added, puts the emphasis on the aggressive expansion of Mitra10's building materials strategy in order to strengthen the market share in line with the growing need for building materials for the renovation / rejuvenation of the residence.

CSAP also strengthens the building materials distribution segment by adding directors, innovative new products, supply chain management and inventory management, to create more efficient and sustainable performance.

In addition, Catur Sentosa Adiprana is in the process of finalizing a private placement plan. company company

The implementation price of Rp552.4 per share, which is the average closing price of the stock during the period of 25 consecutive trades on the regular market. The funds generated by this private placement share amount to 223.89 billion rupiahs.

Catur Sentosa will issue up to 405.3 million new shares or 10% of issued and released capital. The private placement action is carried out as part of the financing of commercial activities and subsidiaries.

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