Mitsubishi opens the tour "Tons of happiness for XPANDER"


BEKASI, (PR) .- The official distributor of Mitsubishi in Indonesia PT Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Sales Indonesia (MMKSI) launched the campaign new activity for the model small MPV Also called Car of the Year 2018, Mitsubishi XPANDER, titled "Tons of Real XPANDER Happiness" in the shopping center of Summarecon Mall Bekasi, Friday-Sunday 27-29 July 2019.

The general public and consumers of XPANDER Mitsubishi can visit event Tons of real happiness XPANDER held at Summarecon Mall Bekasi 27-29 July 2018, with the following schedule Friday from 14:00 to 22:00, Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 to 22:00

Campaign "XPANDER Tons of Real Happiness" held in Kota Bekasi is the beginning of a series of activities roadshow to be held in nine major cities in Indonesia. The event is packaged in the form of a family theme park will present various rides such as large wheels, carousel, swing carousel, ball pools and many other games.

In this activity, MMKSI also introduced brand ambbadador as well as "happiness agent". who are willing to share happiness with the Indonesian family, the Sasono family consisting of Dwi Sasono, Widi Mulia, and their daughter (Dru and Widuri)

"XPANDER Tons of Real Happines is an activity held MMKSI to show the value of XPANDER excellence Based on the strength of XPANDER, we want to show how XPANDER can bring tons of real "happiness" to our customers, Indonesian families. </ p> <p> True happiness manifests itself in the form of a "carnival attractions park" that can be enjoyed by the whole family.Today is our first event in Bekasi, "said PT MMKSI chairman Kyoya Kondo at the opening

Not only in the Jabodetabek region, tons of real happiness will also welcome Mitsubishi consumers and their families in various other cities of Indonesia until the beginning of next year. "Gradually, we let's promote the roadshow program so that people can visit and share the true happiness, "said Kyoya.

In addition to the popular rides, these visitors can also perform the test drive XPANDER, bought Mitsubishi cars, photographed in exciting places that were provided, took advantage of various games exciting, attended talk show with Rifat Sungkar, and entertainment by famous artists.

Simply by showing a proof of registration on the website which is sent via SMS to be accepted. An SMS code is valid for four visitors. While the owner of the model XPANDER Mitsubishi shows enough STNK / copy of the model SPK XPANDER to be able to enter the area "XPANDER Tonnes of Real Happiness"

Of the others "XPANDER Tons of Real Happiness" will be visited Semarang City 17 -19 August 2018 and Surabaya 31 August -2 September 2018. ***

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