beritajowo.com / moskow – Russian President Vladimir Putin reveals that more than 1,000 military and dozens of military equipment have been removed from Syria in recent days.
In the presence of a graduate of the military school, Putin said 1,140 people, 13 fighters and 14 helicopters returned to Russia, reported Daily Sabah
"All are people with experience and have been tested in the battle.You and your colleagues must use this experience for combat training here on the territory of the Russian Federation to work in the complex tasks the more complex, "Vladimir Putin said Thursday (28/6/2018)
during a surprise visit to the base. Heneimim in Latakia province last December, Putin ordered the withdrawal of Russian troops from the war-torn country after claiming victory over the Islamic State.
Russia has launched an air campaign in Syria since the end of September. the path of conflict becomes a profit for Asad.
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