More than 1,500 people are killed while Europe travels from here to 2018


TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID, MADRID – More than 1,500 people died in 2018 trying to reach Europe by crossing the Mediterranean, said the International Organization for Migration (IOM), adding That's the fifth year in a row

Cited, the vast majority of the 1,504 deaths were drownings that occurred when people tried to move from Libya to Italy (1111 ), according to data collected for the Missing Migrant Project

. Deaths in the road to Spain and 89 en route to Greece

In a statement Friday, the IOM said that 304 deaths were recorded between January and July 25, "well beyond of the 124 recorded in the same period in 2017 – and 224 were recorded drowned or lost in the past year. "

The number of people arriving in Europe this year was 55,001, down 50 However, if we base ourselves on the number of inhabitants per capita, 2018 is one of the most deadly years because the number of people trying to Reaching Europe is much weaker.

Spain is more popular

there was a huge increase in the number of people trying to cross the Mediterranean to reach Spain, not Italy.

"The arrival in Italy dragged Spain by almost 3000;" In addition, 3,125 migrants tried to enter Spain irregularly across Africa's African regions, Melilla and Ceuta, according to the Spanish Government, "he added.

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