Most hamburgers can increase the risk of asthma


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When we lose one that we love, our most bitter tears are called by the memory of the hours when we have not loved enough.

-> – Burger is a fast food not only tasty, but also easier to order when it is hungry. But you must know that junk food, such as burgers and other fast food, is one of the foods that should be avoided as this triggers many diseases. From obesity, cholesterol to heart disease

But did you know that eating hamburgers also saves the risk of other diseases that often are not performed by many people? As reported by New York Post Sunday (8/7/2018), a recent Chinese study found that eating hamburgers three or more times a week could increase the risk of asthma . Poor nutrition or dietary qualities are considered to contribute to development and increased risk of asthma or wheezing by many mechanisms. Junk food is even badociated with chronic lung diseases

Research published in the journal Respirology also reveals that most hamburgers increase the risk of other allergic diseases such as hay fever and allergic rhinitis. Burgers increase the risk of asthma / copyright Tentis

"In recent decades, fast food has become an important component of the diet, especially in countries that adopt Western lifestyles and high incomes with poor taste quality, high caloric intake, overweight and obesity in children and adults Obesity can increase the risk of asthma and allergic sensitivity, "said researchers from the University of Sichuan.

inflammation in asthma. However, the main author of the study, Dr. Gang Wang, has stated that further studies were needed to confirm the results of this badysis.

Many people are aware of starting to adopt a healthy lifestyle and reduce the risk of asthma. [19659010] (vem / feb)

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