MRCC Add PET CT Patient Cancer Service

[ad_1] – Momentum of Aging is done as MRCCC Siloam Semanggi hospitals as an effort to improve the health service. Last weekend, seven-year-old MRCC hospitals officially added the PET CT Patient Cancer service.

CEO of MRCCC Siloam Hospitals Semanggi, dr. Susilawati Arifin Bolang explained, he will continue to develop oncology services, especially the diagnosis of cancer. Related to oncology services, especially cancer diagnosis, MRCCC is equipped with screnning and PET CT.

"Positron emission tomography is used to determine the level of cancer malignancy," he said in a press release to Tuesday (11/7) in Jakarta .

  MRCC Add PET CT Cancer Patient Service

Arifin Bolang added, PET CT can be performed by patients before or after chemotherapy. For this control is charged Rp 12 million. "In the future, PET is used to detect the kidneys and the brain," he said.

Rahmansyah, one of the patients treated at the MRHC Siloam Hospital in Semanggi, admitted to being delighted at the service of the doctors and medical staff of this hospital. "Good luck and his service continues to be improved," Rahmansyah said.

As for the anniversary of MRCC Siloam hospitals, they share happiness with all patients. MRCCC Management Team Hospitals Siloam Semanggi distributes packages to hospital patients.


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