Mudik 2019, the cigarette Jakarta-Cikampek can be used


JAKARTA, – Construction of the Jakarta-Cikampek II Layang Toll Road ( elevated ) continues to be accelerated. PT Jasamarga Jalanlayang Cikampek aims to complete the construction of the toll road by the end of March 2019.

Djoko Dwijono, Director of the JJC, said that at least, the toll of Jakarta-Cikampek would increase its capabilities with the operation of this pbadage.

The construction of the 38 kilometer toll viaduct has already reached 40 percent

The highway will extend from Cikunir to Karawang

See also: Jasa Marga recognizes Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Works Road Heavy

"In our plan, the end of March 2019 can be completed, so the feasibility test and the feasible operation could be in April", said Djoko in a TV show on Jak TV titled Toll on Top Tol (Jakarta-Cikampek), Monday (23/7/2010) night.

He testified that Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road is designed for toll road users who travel (19659002) In addition to reducing the current density of vehicles that circulate near this highway

. for example, no less than 140,000 vehicles pbad each day through the Jakarta-Cikampek toll, whether for Cikampek or Jakarta.

The Jakarta-Cikampek tide lift was built using Sosrobahu's technical design engineer from Indonesia, Tjokorda Raka Sukawati.

There are 294 pillar heads built on the construction of this highway. Of these, 200 of them were installed using sosrobahu techniques.

Meanwhile, PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk Operation II director Bambang Rianto revealed that the sosrobahu technique was chosen to minimize the severe congestion that will occur during the construction works [19659002AsitwasthelongestoftheJarta-CikampekdilapidorsTwoothernationalstrategicprojectsarestillintheprocessofbuildingtheLightRailTransit(LRT)andtheJakarta-BandungRapidTrain

"It's a faster build." He admitted that one of the challenges of working on this 13.5 trillion Rp project is to provide socialization and education to the community for the impact of the development process.

"We know the traffic is very tight" The community saw that he was already stuck, "he added.

Head of the Toll Road Regulation Agency (BP ) JT) Herry Trisaputra Zuna baderts that the construction of this toll road does not only serve the interests of the entrepreneur

As is known, the starting point and finish of this toll road in the middle of Karawang is known as the industrial zone.Toll roads can be enjoyed by almost everyone.It is precisely today that the result of short-distance movements, which in all the region is not long distance, causes a huge congestion in Jakarta-Cikampek, "said Herry

" The choice we made up here will be separated.The distance that will be immediate, the close distance will be facilitated, "says Herry.

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