Muslims outside the prayers prevented from Agra Friday at Mas Mahal Mosque


The entrance of a foreigner is judged to have a negative impact on the security of the monument. The New Delhi Supreme Court on Monday refused to allow foreigners to perform "namaz" (Friday prayers) in a mosque adjacent to the Taj Mahal. Led by Judge AK Sikri and Judge Ashok Bhushan, the court said that it was not necessary to pray at the Taj Mahal alone.

In this regard, the Supreme Court rejected an application filed against the government of Agra in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Muslims who do not live in the area hold a Friday prayer at the mosque inside the Taj Mahal complex. "Why do people have to go to the Taj Mahal to pray, there are other mosques where they can pray," asked the judge, quoted in Gulf Today Tuesday (10 / 7). 19659004] A candidate named Syed Ibrahim Hussain Zaidi, chairman of the management committee of the Taj Mahal Mosque, argues that a number of tourists visit the city throughout the year. He said the decision to ban them from performing Friday prayers at the mosque was something illegal.

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Previously, the government in the Agra district so tight to the World Heritage Site which is a 17th century monument century on January 24th. District authorities issue a bylaw stating that only persons with a valid identity card will be allowed to enter the monument compound to celebrate Friday prayers. Nevertheless, the Taj Mahal remained closed to tourists and only Muslims living in Agra were allowed.

Depending on the decision, the entry of foreigners could have a negative impact on the safety of the monument. He came after complaints that foreigners, including Bangladeshi and non-Indian, entered the Taj Mahal complex on Friday under the pretext of praying.

A few years ago, the Indian archaeological survey prohibited foreigners from praying at the mosque on Friday. This was done after suspicion that tourists use Friday prayers to avoid being charged when entering the monument.

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