Natural beauty with the effectiveness of olive oil


Together with the Bazaar, explore the benefits of olive oil as a source of nutrition for beauty and fitness.

The utility of olive oil for beauty care should not be considered with one eye. This is also evident from the many products that come into the formulation.

In addition, oil extracted from olives and from the Mediterranean region is apparently also commonly used for the treatment of holism. What benefits can you derive from olive oil that? Consider the following article

1. Maintain Gentle Skin

Olive oil is known to bring various beneficial antioxidant benefits to your skin. By preventing cell damage, the substance is finally able to fight the signs of premature aging to make your facial appearance more supple and younger.

When applied regularly to the skin surface, olive oil is able to soften the skin and increase its elasticity, including the part that often looks like cracks in the heel and elbow.

Extra virgin olive oil for example, is made up of 80% oleic acid that can overcome the dryness of the skin while enhancing its texture. This is because the texture of olive oil is very easily absorbed to the inside of the skin.

If you personally feel that the texture is too oily when applied to the face or body, a French study shows that olive oil and vegetable oil consumed by the mouth are no less beneficial to the health of the skin.

The consumption of vegetable oil is believed to reduce the relaxation of the skin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles due to exposure to ultraviolet rays. The use of this oil is also safe enough for sensitive skin owners because of its natural nature which reduces the possibility of allergic reactions. Nevertheless, olive oil is still not recommended to be applied to the skin that is acne.

2. Helps to reduce body weight

Never hesitate to add olive oil in your daily diet. Unlike other oils, this vegetable oil is renowned for its ability to reduce weight and protect you from the risk of obesity. Instead, choose products labeled cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil for best results.

3. Cleaning makeup

out of date makeup remover ? Do not bother to buy it again at the supermarket. Just take your foot in the kitchen and use olive oil instead.

In fact, olive oil is very effective at removing makeup remnants and dirt. As a bonus, your skin does not have the potential to dry out or become interested afterwards. In fact, even more radiant faces will be made!

4. Healthy Hair

Do you have a dull or unruly hair problem? This may be due to the use of commercial shampoo or conditioners with sulfate content that often eliminates the natural moisture of hair

To restore the beauty of hair, there is nothing struggling to apply other more natural alternatives such as olive oil. Wipe olive oil enough at the ends of the hair that feels fragile or branched that you would use conditioner in general.

Perform this routine on a weekly basis and take a strand that is always nutritious and brighter and easier to comb.

5. Preventing Breast Cancer

Make your food a cure or prepare it. One of the best contributions that can work for this kind of therapy is of course olive oil. Since ancient times however, natural oil is often used as part of a healthy diet that is proven to keep various diseases.

In this case, bad cancer is no exception. A number of studies have concluded that regular consumption of olive oil can reduce the risk of developing a deadly disease.

Therefore, it has been proven that the components of olive oil inhibit the growth of tumor cells in the bad. The recommended amount to be able to achieve the optimum benefits of olive oil is two to three tablespoons a day.

(Photo: Lightfieldstudios ©

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