Need 2 years of diagnosis of thyroid disorders? Check the effect


TEMPO.CO Jakarta – About 1.6 billion people worldwide are estimated to be at risk for thyroid disorders and nearly hundreds of millions of people living with thyroid disorders.

They currently live with undiagnosed thyroid disorders, and they can struggle in vain in everyday life without knowing the root cause of the symptoms they feel.

The path to diagnosis is quite difficult and laborious for many people who are exposed to thyroid disorders.

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Before diagnosis, the majority of respondents (70%) did not realize not at all that their symptoms were due to thyroid disorders.

In addition, many patients waited months or even years to be diagnosed, 40 percent waiting 4 months to 2 years.

the thing in which undiagnosed thyroid disorders can affect the daily life of a person; Nearly half (49%) of respondents said that their physical appearance was affected before diagnosis.

In addition, 31% of respondents thought that their confidence was affected by undiagnosed thyroid disorders

"We hope that a series of necessary tests, usually simple blood tests, will be done to check whether the thyroid gland is functioning. normally or not, "said Francois Feig, head of Global Business Franchise General Medicine & Endocrinology at Merck in a press release, Wednesday, May 23, 2018. [19659012]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t , s)
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