Negotiations of the Syrian and Russian opposition can not be agreed


Russia offers opposition to the cession of all parts of southern Syria to Assad

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DARAA – Negotiations between Syrian and Russian opposition groups on Saturday 30/6 did not end with a peace agreement in South Daraa province. The Russian delegation and the Syrian opposition forces are meeting to discuss a permanent ceasefire in Daraa.

Syrian opposition spokesman Ibrahim Jabawi insists that the agreement can not be reached. Russia offers harsh conditions for the opposition forces to withdraw from the case.

"Russia offers an opposition force to deliver all of southern Syria to the regime's forces (Bashar al-Assad)," Jabawi said. Agency Sunday (1/7).

Jabawi added that the Syrian Liberation Army (FSA) has also been asked to return all the heavy and light weapons that it possesses. They also called on the opposition to try the people on the regime's detention list

. As is known, in recent days, Daraa has been the target of intense aerial and terrestrial attacks by the Assad regime and its allies. The army of this regime has penetrated deep into the eastern region of Daraa trying to get the city of Busra al-Harir and Nahtah.

More than 100 civilians have been killed and thousands have been displaced since the start of the regime's attacks two weeks ago. After the peace talks held last year in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana, Daraa was designated "de-escalation zone" where aggression is strictly prohibited

The conflict in Syria has emerged since 2011 when the Assad regime repressed the protesters with malicious ferocity. unexpected.

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