Nerve clamp on the neck can cause paralysis


TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Almost everyone has suffered pain in the neck, ranging from mild to severe to disrupt daily activities.

Most people often ignore the pain or discomfort of the neck, even if at that time the body gives an "alarm" or a sign that something is wrong with our body.

Do not exclude the possibility that the pain in the neck indicates a pinched nerve.

Nerves of the neck or known as cervical disc herniation is a condition when the bearing contents of the neck bone leaks so that the nerves in the neck get pinched.

"Nerves in the neck usually occur in people aged 30 to 50, but can also occur at an earlier age," said Dr. Phedy, Sp.OT-K, a member of the Sports Sports Clinic, Shoulder & Spine at Siloam Kebon Jeruk Hospitals in Jakarta recently.

He said neck tweezers may occur due to a history of neck injury, but that they often occur spontaneously with no clear cause known.

Complaints due to neck clamps depend on the location of the pins.

Read: Beware of 4 common symptoms of a nerve clamping, including frequent feelings of tingling

"If the pins are on the edge, the resulting complaints are stiffness, neck pain, tingling or weak arms and hands," he said.

If the pinching occurs in the center, the problems that arise are the loss of balance, stiffness in walking, weakness of the legs up to the problem of defecation and urination, can even cause a total paralysis.

To prove the presence of neck nerves, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be performed.

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