Netanyahu, Israel discusses next week's death penalty bill


Thanks to this bill, Palestinian prisoners known as "wounded" can be sentenced to death.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YERUSSALEM – The Israeli parliament, known as the Knesset, will consider the draft law (RUU) next week on the application of the death penalty.

The implementation of the death penalty bill will make it applicable to Palestinian citizens and fighters accused of involvement in the fight to kill Israelis.

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Leberman said the draft law on the death penalty would be considered by the Knesset Constitutional Law Committee.

Lieberman said the bill would be submitted for approval when reading the first speech to parliamentarians.

"We will not give up and we will not stop until we finish the work," Israel's Defense Minister said on the site. Anadolu Agency, Tuesday (6/11).

On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is said to have given the go-ahead to the controversial death penalty bill.

Lieberman pointed out that the bill would be strongly supported as it was part of the Israeli government's coalition agreement with Netanyahu's Likud party.

The agreement in the bill brought various political camps, Liis Yisrael Beiteinu party of Lieberman, joined the Israeli coalition government.

Israel has put in place a dual legal system, considered unfair to Palestinians. The courts for Israeli citizens are exercised in the civil court, while the Palestinians are tried in military courts.

The draft law on the death penalty will be presented before this military court, while Israelis who kill Palestinians will not be subject to sanctions for execution.

According to Palestinian official figures, approximately 6,500 Palestinians are currently held in prisons and detention centers throughout Israel.

If the Israeli parliament approves the unanimous bill, Palestinians accused of attacking Israelis to death will be subjected to the death laws by the Israeli army.

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