New Age 8 years old, Belgian, he is already ready to enter the university


TRIBUNJOGJA.COM – Laurent Simons (8) completes a high school that is expected to last six years, in just 18 months.

And now that he's eight years old, Lawrence is getting ready to enter the university.

In general, at least one student can graduate from high school at the age of 18.

But with an IQ of 145, this Belgian boy can finish it in 18 months and "save" 10 years.

Reported by on ABC Sunday (1/7/2018), Laurent told RTBF Radio that his favorite subject is mathematics

. According to the BBC report, Laurent plans to become a surgeon, astronaut and computer expert.

"If later he chose to become a carpenter too, it does not matter to us, as long as he is happy," says Laurent's father.

According to ABC, if Laurent chose to work in the field of computers, it is not b (19659002) Tanmay Bakshi, a Canadian teenager, works at IBM at the age of 13.

Last year, his YouTube channel on how to learn coding had 20,000 subscribers. (*)

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